Find in video from 00:30 Another Passenger Spotted Ivanka Trump ▶1:37
Witness To Scene On Plane Involving Ivanka Trump Shares Story ▶3:13
Witness To Scene On Plane Involving Ivanka Trump Shares Story ▶2:30
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Ivana Trump's Mansion ▶17:50
Inside Ivana Trump's NYC Mansion With Now-Infamous Staircase (Flashback) ▶15:21
Inside Ivana Trump's NYC Mansion With Now-Infamous Staircase (Flashback) ▶1:17
JetBlue Removed Passenger Who Harassed Ivanka Trump on Flight ▶10:46
Find in video from 00:33 Introduction of Ivanka Trump ▶1:04
Ivanka Trump delivers remarks at 2020 RNC ▶1:23
Watch Ivanka Trump's full speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention ▶1:43
Watch Ivanka Trump's full speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention ▶51:43
Find in video from 00:11 Ivanka Trump's Role ▶5:05
Ivanka Trump sits in for dad at G20 meeting ▶7:57
Liberal reaction to Ivanka Trump flight incident ▶7:49
Donald Trump Says Continental Army 'Took Over The Airports' In The Revolutionary War | NBC News ▶12:56
Donald Trump Says Continental Army 'Took Over The Airports' In The Revolutionary War | NBC News ▶4:37
Planes fly over Washington during Trump speech ▶1:30
トランプ米国大統領訪日―平成29年11月5日 ▶1:15
Catastrophic Failures: The Fatal Flight 052 That Crashed In New York | Mayday | Wonder ▶1:11
Catastrophic Failures: The Fatal Flight 052 That Crashed In New York | Mayday | Wonder ▶0:39
WATCH: President Trump Meets With Top Airline Executives At The White House (FNN) ▶0:45
WATCH: President Trump Meets With Top Airline Executives At The White House (FNN) ▶17:42
SAM 26000 -- Kennedy's Air Force One ▶2:23
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Donald Trump's Legacy ▶3:30
What Happened To Donald Trump’s $365 Million Airline? ▶3:56:43
President Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia ▶9:36
Find in video from 02:30 Trump's Plane Takeoff ▶2:47
Trump's airplane leaves Palm Beach International Airport for New York ▶0:38
Find in video from 0:00 Arrival of President Trump ▶5:32
President Donald Trump walks off Air Force One at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport ▶15:39
President Donald Trump walks off Air Force One at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport ▶1:53
See inside Trump's prized $100 million Boeing 757 private jet he's managed to hold onto despite his costly legal battles ▶0:17
See inside Trump's prized $100 million Boeing 757 private jet he's managed to hold onto despite his costly legal battles ▶5:42
Trump Waves to Supporters as He Leaves Florida for NYC Court: RAW VIDEO | NBC New York ▶2:20
Trump Waves to Supporters as He Leaves Florida for NYC Court: RAW VIDEO | NBC New York ▶5:58
Watch Trump's Epic Handshake With Macron ▶4:10
Trump's plane lands in New York ahead of court date ▶4:58
How to INSTANTLY Master the Art of Success with Donald Trump ▶1:35
Former President Trump's plane touches down at Atlanta airport ▶1:09
Trump takes off to go to DC ▶4:21
LIVE CAM: Scenes Outside Trump Tower, Court Trump Attends Arraignment | NBC New York ▶1:31
LIVE CAM: Scenes Outside Trump Tower, Court Trump Attends Arraignment | NBC New York ▶1:00:07
【ノーカット】トランプ大統領退任 最後の演説(同時通訳あり) ▶1:16
Find in video from 0:00 Arrival of Melania Trump ▶0:33
Ivanka Trump Speaks Out Over Speculation She'll Take Over FLOTUS Duties ▶3:07:21
Ivanka Trump Speaks Out Over Speculation She'll Take Over FLOTUS Duties ▶11:30:26
イバンカ・トランプ氏が来日 ▶1:04:43
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Ivanka Trump ▶2:37
Ivanka Trump Interview: Will Not Fill in as First Lady ▶4:39
Find in video from 01:32 Trump's Leadership and Influence ▶2:05
Ivanka Trump's entire speech introducing Donald Trump ▶0:37
Ivanka Trump Verbally Harassed by Passenger on JetBlue Flight | TMZ News ▶17:49
Ivanka Trump Verbally Harassed by Passenger on JetBlue Flight | TMZ News ▶3:12
When Melania met Ivanka onstage at the RNC ▶1:18
Atentado al avión de Avianca, el 27 de noviembre de 1989 ▶2:56
トランプ大統領 vs トゥーンベリさん、「舌戦」第2ラウンド ダボス会議で演説 ▶2:08
トランプ大統領 vs トゥーンベリさん、「舌戦」第2ラウンド ダボス会議で演説 ▶0:37
Find in video from 0:00 Trump's Campaign Rhetoric ▶0:47
トランプ米政権、波乱の4年間を振り返る ▶1:21
Cockpit Voice Recorder Captures the Frantic Final Moments of Flight 52 🎙️Air Disasters | Smithsonian ▶2:22
Cockpit Voice Recorder Captures the Frantic Final Moments of Flight 52 🎙️Air Disasters | Smithsonian ▶2:32
Find in video from 0:00 トランプ大統領初来日 ▶1:13
トランプ夫妻が厳戒の日本に ゴルフ外交に銀ブラも(17/11/05) ▶7:10
Find in video from 00:14 トランプ氏の入国禁止令と支持率回復策 ▶7:31
安倍総理を“異例の厚遇” トランプ氏の狙いは?(17/02/11) ▶9:27
米トランプ前大統領、EV普及策を批判(2023年9月28日) ▶4:38
Find in video from 01:49 Criticism of Trump's Role ▶1:55
Ivanka Trump under scrutiny for G20 exchange ▶3:36
トランプ氏「最優先でウクライナ支援停止する」 大統領への返り咲きに自信(2023年3月5日) ▶0:55
トランプ氏「最優先でウクライナ支援停止する」 大統領への返り咲きに自信(2023年3月5日) ▶17:13
【ノーカット】国連総会 トランプ大統領演説(同時通訳付き) ▶5:13
安倍総理主催の夕食会 イバンカ氏を“おもてなし”(17/11/04) ▶1:35
Former Pres. Trump arrives in NYC ahead of arraignment ▶0:55
【ライブ・同時通訳】トランプ前大統領 大統領選への出馬表明(2022年11月16日) ▶6:22
【ライブ・同時通訳】トランプ前大統領 大統領選への出馬表明(2022年11月16日) ▶1:10:08
【第1部】アメリカ大統領選 開票LIVE〜どうなるトランプ氏 運命の日〜 ▶1:14
【第1部】アメリカ大統領選 開票LIVE〜どうなるトランプ氏 運命の日〜 ▶1:41
【トランプ氏】2024年アメリカ大統領選への出馬を正式表明 ▶2:09
「ディープフェイク」の脅威とは?【あさチャン】 ▶0:57
Así planeó Pablo Escobar el atentado al avión de Avianca ▶4:32
Find in video from 0:00 トランプ氏の挨拶 ▶51:32
踊るトランプ氏、熱狂する支持者 選挙集会を記者が訪ねた ▶23:16
Trump hugs and kisses the American flag at CPAC 2020 ▶0:17
Trump Inauguration Speech (FULL) | ABC News ▶1:32
Find in video from 0:00 トランプ氏の背景 ▶1:15
【米大統領選2016】白人至上主義者に聞く トランプ氏を応援する理由 ▶0:30
Trump imitates Asian leaders during speech ▶0:24
オバマ氏が慣例破り 現職大統領を批判【news23】 ▶2:35
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Ivanka Trump ▶9:42
What exactly does Ivanka Trump do at White House? BBC News ▶7:58
Windy day blows around President Trump's hair ▶0:22
Trudeau, other leaders caught on camera "mocking" Trump during NATO reception ▶5:46
Trudeau, other leaders caught on camera "mocking" Trump during NATO reception ▶35:26
Trump: America first and only America first ▶7:32
Find in video from 00:14 President Trump's Pizza Arrival ▶3:21
President Trump goes out for pizza ▶14:58
Trump breaks royal etiquette, walks in front of Queen ▶3:10
vi-AA19qHVk ▶1:42
Trumps arrive in Florida on Air Force One before China summit ▶1:15:40
WATCH: Donald Trump & Melania Trump REUNITE in Florida for Mar-A-Lago Weekend as Crowds Cheer (FNN) ▶4:32
WATCH: Donald Trump & Melania Trump REUNITE in Florida for Mar-A-Lago Weekend as Crowds Cheer (FNN) ▶45:11
President Trump Gives Life Advice and Talks About Importance of "Momentum" ▶0:53
President Trump Gives Life Advice and Talks About Importance of "Momentum" ▶1:15
MUST WATCH: President Trump Takes ON CNN Reporter Jim Acosta During Press Conference (FNN) ▶
MUST WATCH: President Trump Takes ON CNN Reporter Jim Acosta During Press Conference (FNN) ▶
Trump hosts Southwest flight crew, passengers ▶
天皇皇后両陛下 離日するトランプ大統領とあいさつ(19/05/28) ▶
See what Melania Trump has been doing since leaving White House ▶
Helicopter Carrying Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Returns to Airport After Engine Failure: Report ▶
Helicopter Carrying Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Returns to Airport After Engine Failure: Report ▶
Find in video from 01:15 Introduction of Melania Trump ▶
Melania Trump Speech at the Republican Convention ▶
Meet The Trump Family | Biography ▶
Find in video from 00:18 トランプ氏の挨拶 ▶
トランプ氏、NATO加盟国首相を押しのけ ▶
President Trump hops into a truck cab ▶
WATCH: President Trump addresses illegal immigration in the State Of The Union ▶
WATCH: President Trump addresses illegal immigration in the State Of The Union ▶
【全部見せ】トランプ前大統領「再びアメリカを偉大で栄光ある国にする」 大統領選への出馬を正式表明(2022年11月16日)【ライブ】ANN/テレ朝 ▶
【全部見せ】トランプ前大統領「再びアメリカを偉大で栄光ある国にする」 大統領選への出馬を正式表明(2022年11月16日)【ライブ】ANN/テレ朝 ▶
来日中のトランプ大統領を迎え 宮中晩餐会(19/05/27) ▶
Donald Trump's most bizarre moments of 2018 ▶
Fact check: The controversy over Trump's inauguration crowd size ▶
Trump's airplane leaves Palm Beach International Airport for New York ▶
Plane carrying First Lady Melania Trump turned around after takeoff ▶
Trump Family on Effects of Election ▶
Las víctimas de Pablo Escobar | El vuelo 203 de Avianca ▶
Trump Full Interview with David Muir | ABC News ▶
Melania's expression when she met Ivanka onstage at the RNC ▶
World's second oldest airline, Avianca, goes bust ▶
Ivanka Trump's ex-chief of staff said she was trying to calm her dad down on Jan. 6 ▶
Ivanka Trump's ex-chief of staff said she was trying to calm her dad down on Jan. 6 ▶
President Trump shakes hands with Chinese President Xi at G-20 Family Photo ▶
President Trump shakes hands with Chinese President Xi at G-20 Family Photo ▶
Donald Trump Hints He May Ditch His Plane For Air Force One If Elected ▶
Donald Trump Hints He May Ditch His Plane For Air Force One If Elected ▶
These Were The Best Moments Of President Trump's Inauguration ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Trump and Melania's Estate ▶
Donald Trump & Melania Trump | House Tour | $250 Million Palm Beach Mansion & More ▶
Donald Trump & Melania Trump | House Tour | $250 Million Palm Beach Mansion & More ▶
Ivanka Trump’s chance to stand up for American democracy ▶
Ivanka Trump posts IG story as she's learning to fly helicopter ▶
President Trump meets Pope Francis (C-SPAN) ▶
Full Interview: Donald Trump, Melania & Family with George Stephanopoulos ▶
Full Interview: Donald Trump, Melania & Family with George Stephanopoulos ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Trump's Campaign ▶
Donald Trump Supporters Interviewed by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog | Triumph | Hulu ▶
Donald Trump Supporters Interviewed by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog | Triumph | Hulu ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Trump's Impeachment ▶
Trump impeachment explained - BBC News ▶
Trump Complains About Lack of Airtime, Ted “Cancun” Cruz Endorses Donny & Everybody Has COVID Again ▶
Trump Complains About Lack of Airtime, Ted “Cancun” Cruz Endorses Donny & Everybody Has COVID Again ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Trump's Audio Recording Released ▶
Trump audio recording released ▶
Find in video from 0:00 トランプの紹介 ▶
一番の「トランプ」は 物まね芸人10人がバトル ▶
Find in video from 01:02 トランプとヒラリーのインタビュー ▶
【UG】2016年に未来予想した「トランプ大統領になったアメリカ」はどうなったのか? を“いま”振り返る / OTAKING talks about President Trump, 2016 ▶
【UG】2016年に未来予想した「トランプ大統領になったアメリカ」はどうなったのか? を“いま”振り返る / OTAKING talks about President Trump, 2016 ▶
国賓として来日したトランプ米大統領の歓迎行事 ▶
Find in video from 14:13 トランプ市の指示者たち ▶
【米大統領選2024】いよいよ“トランプ党”が誕生?!大統領選本格スタート 盛り上がる"トランプ熱狂"をアイオワ州党員集会からリポート ▶
【米大統領選2024】いよいよ“トランプ党”が誕生?!大統領選本格スタート 盛り上がる"トランプ熱狂"をアイオワ州党員集会からリポート ▶
'Freedom Kids' Trump song goes viral ▶
The storied history of Air Force One ▶


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